Plans must be stamped by a registered engineer.Impervious calculations are necessary for lots in the Lake Watershed Protection District.
Proposed stormwater management (typically required for new construction).Location of 55 gallon spill kit (required for all projects in which machinery will be present).Erosion controls, typically compost filter sock or straw wattles and silt fence, no haybales Include tracmat and turbidity curtain and oil boom if needed.Proposed work (grading, construction, tree clearing, limit of work).Existing wetlands, 100-foot Buffer Zone, Riverfront Area, etc., 25 ft.Existing conditions (house, driveway, yard, trees, grading, topographic lines).Hire a surveyor/engineer/landscape architect to create a plot plan showing:.( may not be necessary for lake Projects) Hire a wetland scientist to flag the wetlands, streams, ponds, etc.